Safe Moves has been the leader in traffic safety education since 1983!

For over 30 years, Safe Moves has made a difference in the lives of thousands of children, parents and educators with their innovative programs. Their expertise in designing and launching programs dedicated to encouraging alternative modes of transportation to and from school, educating parents on traffic safety and helping create more walk able and bike able communities makes them the most sought-after leader in traffic safety in California.
All Safe Moves programs have been developed with the input of child development experts. They are tailored and individualized for each school district and community, and are uniquely designed for specific age groups and grade levels. Everything is provided – personnel, materials, equipment, guidance and motivation. Our specially trained, award-winning team will help you craft and support the program that best meets your needs.
Click each program tab for more information.
Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs are sustained efforts by parents, schools, community leaders and local, state, and federal governments to improve the health and well-being of children by enabling and encouraging them to walk and bicycle to school. The programs focus on infrastructure improvements, student traffic education and driver enforcement.
As trusted veterans of traffic safety education, Safe Moves understands the challenges faced by school districts and communities when it comes to providing a safe and healthy environment for children and their families. Walking, bicycling and supporting multi-modal traffic operations and safety are core services of Safe Moves. We are the experts on Safe Routes to School and we are proud of our continued success with these programs.
Safe Moves offers a variety of programs based on innovative, proven strategies that encourage children to walk and bike more.
The concept is simple when the approach includes programs that change behavior and are implemented at school sites for participation by children, parents and school officials.
One of the most popular and effective activities is the Walking School Bus and Bike Train. Both consist of groups of students accompanied by adults that walk or bicycle a pre-planned route to school. These programs offer a safe, dependable, healthy and green way for children to get to school versus being driven in a car.
Also, special events like Walk to School Day and Bike to School Day inspire students, parents, elected officials and school leaders to try something new. These one-day events often result in the development of ongoing programs to encourage walking and bicycling.
The Safe Moves City program is designed to simulate the diverse traffic environments in a large city and create problem-solving experiences for each grade level with interactive “rodeos.” Each Safe Moves City is a miniature version of a community and includes an interactive streetscape with scenarios that illustrate safe walking and bike riding. From sidewalks to crosswalks to railroad crossings, Safe Move City includes lesson plans for each ago group and provides trained safety instructors to facilitate the rodeos at your designated location. By using a realistic course, the ability of students to recognize and avoid traffic hazards is improved dramatically.
A Safe Moves City Rodeo is an effective, fun, individualized and age appropriate way for children to learn how to stay safe, whether walking, biking or riding in cars.